New Method of Genetic Analysis and New Genes for Lupus and Diabetic Nephropathy identified


My new method of Genetic Analysis, “OASIS”, led me to identify several new genes for Lupus [1] and Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) [2].

The study for the first time identified Netrin, a known marker of kidney injury  to be potentially involved in the pathogenesis of DN. In all, 19 genes for DN and 10 new genes for lupus were identified. These analyses fall in the domain of ‘Big Data Analysis’ where millions of data points were analyzed in large genome-wide association studies – a combo of clinical medicine, genomics and Python programming (i.e. Immunogenetics and Bioinformatics).

Link to the Lupus Paper

The DN paper can be viewed at:

Link to Diabetic Nephropathy Paper

Full Text of DN paper