ImmunoCure Pharmacy & October Now join hands for quality Pharmacy services

Many of our patients live in far flung areas of the city and beyond and do not have access to quality Pharmacy services. What we have experienced is that patients naively continue using expired prescriptions containing immunosuppressive medications or are unable to obtain the necessary drugs. This has severe consequences on their autoimmune disease, sometimes resulting in disease flares and at other times, adverse drug reactions. Disability due to autoimmune inflammatory diseases also require easy access to quality care especially medications at the patients’ doorstep.

ImmunoCure Pharmacy responsibly provides quality medications along with necessary patient education about the prescribed medications to help quality medical care for our patients and all those who use our Pharmacy services. ImmunoCure Pharmacy has joined hands with October Now for seamless medication delivery across Pakistan.

@ImmunoCure_pk & @OctoberNowApp join hands for providing quality Pharmacy services in Pakistan (tweet).