British Society for Rheumatology Oral Presentation

  Dr. Mohammad Saeed was invited to present his research on the ‘Genetics of MHC-I-Opathy’ at the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) (April 24, 2024). The summary of the research was published in the official BSR Journal, Rheumatology. The presentation was well-received by the august audience of Rheumatologists and Immunologists at the BSR 2024. A…

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Python – The Logo Way (Book)

Python – The Logo Way (Book) The book is written with the child in mind to teach programming by drawing using “Logo” concepts. I hope to spark greater creativity in children, make education fun and fulfill the need to learn today’s essential skill, i.e, being able to program and ‘talk to computers’. Therefore, a simple…

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Seminars in Research & Development

ImmunoCure Seminars in Research and Development Lecture #3: “How to choose a Mentor?” by Prof. Anwar Siddiqui Friday, October 16, 2020. Timing: 3 – 4 pm (Tweet) Zoom Online Meeting Recorded Video Language requirement: Both English and Urdu Lecture #2: “Why do Research?” by Prof. Anwar Siddiqui Friday, September 25, 2020. Timing: 3 – 4…

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EULAR 2019

EULAR 2019 Meeting in Madrid, Spain Two Abstracts were accepted from ImmunoCure at EULAR 2019 Meeting in Madrid, Spain.  Abstract AB1101 is about the small subset of Rheumatoid arthritis patients in whom steroids cannot be withdrawn – an interesting rheumatologic dilemma. We showed that these patients have high frequency of Mi2 and Ku antibodies and…

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Neuroimmunology Diagnostics Review

Neuroimmunology Diagnostics Review Abstract Neuroimmunology has led to advanced diagnostics of previously cryptic disorders, using autoantibody testing against neurological targets. Neuropsychiatric syndromes and autoimmune encephalitis can now be routinely diagnosed using specialized antibody tests such as immunofluorescence and immunoblot assays in specialized laboratories. This helps in early and accurate diagnosis, leading to favorable patient prognosis.…

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New Genes for Parkinson’s Disease

New Genes for Parkinson’s Disease   ImmunoCure is pleased to announce its publication in Immunogenetics identifying novel genes for Parkinson’s disease based on Dr. Mohammad Saeed’s statistical genetic algorithm, OASIS. This study provides further evidence that Parkinson’s disease has significant links with inflammation. It also strengthens the field of Neuroimmunology, for which ImmunoCure provides a…

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Lupus review

Lupus review   Dr. Mohammad Saeed’s Review on Lupus published in the journal “Immunogenetics” ‘The challenge will be more robust clinical classification of SLE. As more antibodies are discovered, such as MDA5 and PLA2R, and genetic tests seep into clinical practice, it is likely that SLE classification may change further. Perhaps, SLE clinical definition may…

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Rheumatoid arthritis clinical features and management strategies at an urban tertiary facility in Pakistan

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Pakistan Rheumatoid arthritis clinical features and management strategies at an urban tertiary facility in Pakistan. Rehan Rais, Mohammad Saeed*, Rimsha Haider, Zahra Jassani, Amir Riaz, Tahira Perveen. Corresponding author: Dr. Mohammad Saeed Journal Link       Full Text Article   Background: The specialist referral in Pakistan is patient-driven; therefore patients choose to…

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