Osteoarthritis (part 1)
Read MoreWhat is this thing called ‘Inflammation’? Inflammation is like a ‘hurt’, an injury in the body. It may be anywhere. E.g. if you fall and hurt yourself on the hand, your hand will pain, may become swollen and red – that is inflammation – It is flamed up, on fire! Just like when you have…
Read MoreMorning Stiffness This is one of the most significant symptoms associated with inflammatory disease. Here’s how to detect it: Q1: How do you feel in the morning? (An open question which if answered by the patient in any negative connotation should prompt a physician to delve deeper) Q2: Is your morning worse than your…
Read MoreOsteoporosis How can we improve our skeletal health? This is in response to a question recently asked. Bones are made of mineral – calcium hydroxyapatite crystals – and matrix proteins – which are deposited by cells called osteoblasts. Other cells called osteoclasts dig out and remove bone. This process of building and excavating are…
Read MoreWhat is ANA? Anti-nuclear antigen. It is a test done to screen for inflammatory diseases such as lupus. 95% patients with lupus have ANA positive. It does not mean that if you have ANA positive you have lupus. This test can be positive in old age or if you have a close relative with…
Read MoreAntibody Tests Rheumatoid factor (RF) One of the most common antibodies tested for. This is present in ~ 70-80% Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) but is also present in other diseases such as hepatitis, chronic liver disease, thyroid disease, certain infections, and other autoimmune diseases like lupus, Sjogren’s etc. Therefore the diagnosis of RA should not…
Read MoreMysterious Pain This is the common story of many of my patients, which I have summarized as a cartoon album. It has a sad Beginning but a Happy Ending! It is important to note the passing of time and the misery of pain – its physical, emotional and social impact. It is possible to…
Read MoreRheumatoid Arthritis – Inflammation on MSKUS Aggressive inflammation visualized on ultrasound in the wrist of a patient. Due to prolonged inflammation tiny vessels (capillaries) grow in the areas of severe inflammation. These are picked up as red flickering ‘flames’ on power Doppler ultrasound. If this persists the joint is damaged and the bones erode…
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